1. Functions

a) Advising and assisting the Director of the Department in performing the state management in Ho Chi Minh City of print and electronic newspapers (including spoken and video newspapers on the internet).

b/ To perform other duties assigned by the Director of the Department.

2. Duties and powers:

a/ Regarding printing press:

- Advising the Board of Directors to submit to the City People's Committee specific solutions to implement printing activities in the city as assigned and authorized by the City People's Committee in accordance with law; be responsible for implementation, inspection and implementation;

- Advising the Board of Directors on external information work;

- Inspecting depositary printing newspapers and managing depositary printing newspapers in the city;

- Appraise and submit to the Director of the Department for issuance and revocation of the newsletter operation license for the agencies and organizations in the city;

- Appraise and submit to the Director of the Department for a response on the request to hold a press conference for agencies and organizations in the city;

- To receive and appraise dossiers and request competent authorities to grant press cards, licenses for printing press activities, licenses for publication of print newspapers and other information publications as prescribed by law to press agencies and other agencies and organizations of the city;

- To consider and appraise and submit to the Director of the Department permission of other local press agencies to set up representative offices, liaison offices and resident offices in the city;

b/ E-newspapers

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant departments in, guiding and organizing the implementation of the provisions of law on the operation of online newspapers in the locality;

- Receive and appraise dossiers and request competent authorities to license e-newspaper activities and issue press cards of e-newspapers in accordance with law;

- Advising the Director of the Department to allow other local e-newspaper agencies to set up representative offices, liaison offices and resident offices in the city;

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant departments in, organizing the implementation of the City's radio and television career development plan after approval (in coordination with Post and Telecommunications Departments and Information Technology Departments);

- To assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with relevant departments in, managing the use of equipment for receiving radio and television signals directly from satellites for units, organizations and individuals in the city in accordance with law.